Helth.lol - Devlog #1
Well look who it is, I remembered to actually come back and write another blog post. But better yet I actually made some progress on Helth.lol. I'm sure you're just as surprised as me? Maybe the blog was the source of my accountability who knows?
Did I make huge progress in the last checks notes 3 weeks? Well the answer is not really. Between work, the gym and a lovely trip to italy for WordCamp EU 2024 I kinda forgot. But fear not I got back into the flow and came up with an idea for the project that is sure to motivate me… add nutrition tracking before august when my MFP subscription expires saving me from another year.
So what exactly did I get done? I set up the project in a monorepo structure and even have an online deployed version available right now! You can't really do much right now other than Sign up, Sign In, Activate your user and reset your password.
But I think this amount of progress is still something, as well as being able to authenticate, I also threw together a super quick landing page (Thanks again tailwind ui) just so when you hit the domain it doesnt look empty and instead a real product.
Well I think thats it for now. Next step is adding user settings before finally getting onto some real features not just a login logout simulator.
If you want to check it out you can at beta.helth.lol