Hello world!
Everyone needs a little place on the internet, and I guess this is now mine, especially since I registered the domain for the next 10 years :^)
Hopefully this is somewhere I try to write often, even if it is just to improve my writing skills; which in my opinion is something I lack in. As with every developers personal website they have grand plans using their favourite flavour of the month. But after thinking up some great ideas using go, building a custom blog and deploying it, I was like "Maybe I should just get something out there and see where it goes". So here I am, I grabbed the spotlight template from tailwindui and pretty much did a find and replace. Maybe, if I keep at this writing malarky I will create something a little more magical. But for now I will keep it simple with a next.js site hosted on vercel.
A little about me
I am a lead engineer at Big Bite in the North-east of England, I spend my day to day working with WordPress, PHP, React ... and so on. But in my spare time I try to delve into different technologies to grow the ever expanding brainbox. Something I wish I did more of but currently I spend a lot of free time working out, or spreading managed democracy in the art of playing Hell divers 2
What to expect
With an interest in golang I embarked on a magical journey re-developing my little workout planner & tracker called helth which was originally written with Next.js and using TRPC. But after a while I realised, I didn't really know how to write golang in a maintainable way. So three attempts at re-writing it later. I am starting again, and going to attempt to keep it simple and build the front end with Next.js build a golang API and iterate from there and I guess I will try document my progress here.